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- Zenoni e Colombi
How to Write an Optimized Instagram Bio
The Instagram Bio is an element of fundamental importance and one of the first things that users notice when they land on our profile.
How to create and promote your company blog
In the previous article (link to Company blog: why it is important to have it) of our blog we understood what a company blog is and why it is important to have it. But how do you create a co...
Corporate blog: why it is important to have it
Everyone is talking about digital content now. And when defining a marketing strategy you certainly cannot avoid understanding how to create valuable content. Is critical. Just as it is essential...
Inbound marketing: tools and success factors
We already know what inbound marketing is and how it works. Anyone who needs a refresher on the topic can reread it here (link to What is inbound marketing and how it works) In a nutshe...
Principles of Persuasion: what they are and why they work
Persuasion is a powerful tool through which we are able to induce people to carry out a given action.
Customer loyalty: what it is and why it is necessary
Customer loyalty means establishing a strong relationship with them, based on trust and reciprocity.
What is inbound marketing and how does it work
If we wanted to summarize inbound marketing in four words, these would be it. Attract, convert, close, delight. But what exactly is inbound marketing? And how does it work? What i...